TheĀ National bravEd-Curated Benefits List
Last update June 2024

The National list of educational benefits above...
...was derived from thousands upon thousands of responses to the following questions:
- What do you expect from a school for your child in exchange for your trust?
- WhenĀ you think about the hopes and dreams you have for your child and their education, what are they?
- What benefits is it your school's responsibility to provide to your child?
The results as you see them are not in edu-speak, but in the language of the non-educator, which has the effect of providing the basis for a common shared vocabulary between them. The power in this is that it enables all sides to know when they are talking about the same thing from their very different perspectives.
This list has changed over the years and it will continueĀ to change as the world changes. It will also continue to change as more and more schools and districts come into this work and their citizens add their voices to this.
The educational communities in effect own this list together. School and district leaders are welcome to use it, as are researchers and others seeking to validate one or more pieces, without permission from bravEd. All we ask is that your findings be forwarded to us so that we may all benefit from new and improved understandings.
For those schools and districts that compile their own local lists, we continue to ask that you forward those to us as well.
Any commercial use of this list must first obtain writtenĀ permission from bravEd. Only if the use is determined to be in line with the principals of benefits-based accountability will permission be granted.Ā