The bravEd Accounting for What Matters Seminar Series

The first step for many in the journey towards a benefits-based accountability and the trust that comes with it 

The purpose of the bravEd® Accounting for What Matters Series is to induct each participating educator into the work.

That can be someone learning how to bring it to their school or district, or it can be a new leader in a school and district already doing Benefits-Based Accountability.

Over the series you will gather a sense of how to:

  1. Build trust in the work you do; with those you work for, and those you work with.
  2. Build trust in stakeholders towards the organization you work in.
  3. Empower each educator to do the right work and account for it meaningfully.
  4. Change your life (we mean it—this is transformational stuff).

We do this by teaching you the basics of how to account for what you do differently than you ever thought possible. Educators aren’t conditioned to thinking about accountability as a trust building exercise and yet that is exactly what it is in most professions.

Accountability in education should always have been a discipline of leadership, which is how it is in every other profession. That way leaders are positioned to argue effectively about policy because they have a clear sense of what accountability should really be.

The series consists of six 90-minute sessions. Our objective is to help form a foundation that you'll want to build on more in the future.

The bravEd mission is to see to it that public education becomes the most trusted of our public institutions. We achieve that one educator, one school, and one district at a time. The Seminar is a first step in that process. We encourage you to join us.

The topics we’ll discuss during our sessions include:

  1. How did we get into this mess?
  2. How do we create the conditions to get out of it and into something better?
  3. What is that something better? What does it look and feel like?
  4. Is it doable without a policy change? (Note, the answer is yes).
  5. How does real trust get built?
  6. What will this mean for me and my schools?
  7. What about testing? (Seriously, what about it?)


Sep 23, 2025 Registration