School and Central Office CoachingĀ 

Coaching is a critical part of our Pro and Teams Memberships

The Pro Membership includes coaching and consultation with those at the central office tasked with leading this effort. The Teams Membership includes coaching and consultation with both the central office team and each of the school-based teams.

Building a Benefits-Based Accountability requires a mind shift from how most in education have been taught to think about it. Testing is not commensurate with accountability. Other professions don't lead with date when they account for their efforts, but with an interpretation, with evidence to follow. Accountability was always supposed to be a discipline of leadership first,Ā independent of policy, not limited to theĀ results of policy.

The frameworks that make up a Benefits-Based Accountability and the mindsets needed to drive them are more available than most would think. Coaching just helps accelerate the process.

If you aren't yet ready to join the Center...

Please register instead to receiveĀ our bulletins and other information. The Center will always be hereĀ when you are ready.
