How you account for what you do matters as much as what you do, and what you do in a school matters a lot.

At bravEd, it's our job to make sure that accounting for what matters in the form of a Benefits-Based Accountability is the basis for every educational accounting.

Imagine that you could account for everything that matters in a school, in under two minutes, in ways policy makers will understand, that will continuously build trust in what you do as a school leader. 

 How might things be different today if school accountability could be what it always should have been? What if public schooling was the most trusted institution in a community and across the country? What if policy makers had what they need to make great educational policy? What if accountability was something that was good for students, schools, parents, and communities?

Real accountability would have had those as its goals from the start. That needs to be the case going forward.

No policy change required.

"When I think about bravEd's work, it reminds me of that Mickey Mantle quote, ‘it's unbelievable how much you don't know about a game you've been playing your whole life.’”

Dr. Jack Rice, Executive Director, The Maple League Of Universities Director, Online Learning, Graduate, And Professional Studies, StFX

The two newest ways to get into the work of a Benefits-Based Accountability 

The Accounting for What Matters Seminar Series

This six-part virtual series has proven a terrific way to create a foundation for this work. Click below to find the series currently on the schedule

More About the Series

The Benefit-Based Accountability Handbook

For Handbook is our first soup-to-nuts guide to getting this work done. It is now available with each working membership. 

More About the Handbook

Our mission at bravEd...

"We envision and work towards the day when public education as an institution will be trusted as much if not more than the most respected of America’s professions and institutions."

The bravEd Center is one of the keys for getting to that point. 

Schedule for the bravEd Center Virtual Lunches

The bravEd Center is our place to work through all the issues that matter to our stakeholders. Registration is open to all who care about public education. You'll find the registration page in the Join tab in the menu.

November 8, 2024: Dr. Joe Scherer, a bravEd ambassador, on being a leader of schools and the community's educational leader.

December 13, 2024: George Thompson of the Schlechty Center on what it means to be a moral and intellectual leader.

January 10, 2025: Representative Jon Rosenthal (TX) on political advocacy in tough times for public education.

February 14, 2025: Dr. Luvelle Brown, Superintendent, Ithaca City School District and author of The Call to Courage, on how to think about and address equity.

Building a better accountability empowers leaders to feel what is to be truly trusted. That's a good feeling.

Here's what a few of your colleagues wanted to say about this work.

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Our Memberships Page

A great way to get introduced to this work is through the voice of John Tanner, the founder of bravEd and a champion of the Benefits-Based Accountability work. His keynotes take an extraordinarily complex part of schools and in under an hour create the sense that something better is possible. His recent book, The Accountability Mindset, does the same, using language and a narrative structure to make the topic accessible to anyone.

You can get the book by clicking here. You can inquire about having John at your next event by clicking below.

Speaking Inquiry